NOCIRC-SA is dedicated to the prevention of routine infant circumcision (RIC) and other forced genital cutting of children, where diagnosable pathology exists requiring such invasive approaches.
- To contribute towards the legitimate protection of all our children from the violation of non-consenting genital mutilation or modification.
- To educate fellow South Africans about the real dangers behind circumcision and thereby unite South Africans in the sensible fight against genital mutilation.
- To serve as a valuable resource base for the ordinary person and medical professional alike.
We also aim to create public awareness for the cause to halt routine circumcision and to inform parents of the lack of medical indication for circumcision. We will endeavor to create an awareness of the unique creation of each child, and that ‘their’ body is to be respected from the day they are born. Should you see images on this web site that offend you, spare a thought for the baby boy who has had to go through the barbaric procedure… [ view some images ]